How to shoot News Pictures - Red Bull Illume
Meet Romina Amato, a freelance photographer from Switzerland that specializes in capturing news related images. In this clip, Romina offers her opinion on launching a successful career in news photography, and the many attributes an aspiring news photographer must exhibit. She also offers insight on different camera lenses, image format, delivery, and most importantly, creativity.
NOT recommended by your teacher
Rooftopping photography is a dangerous new fad in which daredevils climb to extremely high (and often off-limits) urban locations in order to shoot vertigo-inducing photographs. Two of the most famous practitioners in the world right now are Vadim Mahorov and Vitaliy Yakhnenko, two young Russian daredevils who have attracted a great deal of attention for their images (they’re the same guys who recently snuck to the top of Egypt’s Great Pyramid).
If you want to see how the duo works, check out the short 6-minute documentary film above (warning: there’s a bit of strong language). It’s titled “Roofer’s Point of View,” and was created by HUB Footwear.