Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Photoshop Fun

So I took your portraits and did a few things in photoshop.
What do you think?

Strobe portrait experiment

Camera mode: M

Shutter speed: 1/60
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 400
Speedlite: right side, on side table
 Camera flash: on

 How to sync flash: First, turn on the flash. Second, make sure the mode is set to ETTL. Next, hold zoom button until 'master' comes on. Then, turn the nob down to slave. Last, turn on the camera with pop of flash on and take a picture (should work). 

Okay so to achieve this lighting scheme its quite simple. First, adjust the camera to settings above with pop up flash. Second, have the subject stand about 3-4 feet from wall. Third, have speedlite on feet (stand) and place to the right, I had the speedlite on the a small table. Last, adjust the subject according and say cheese and press the shutter button.   

Syncing Flash to Camera -Erica Gomez

To Sync the Speedlite 580EX II to the Canon Rebel I used the Off-Camera Cord as well as the Camera Bracket to hold the Camera and Flash Together or you can have someone hold the flash, like I did while taking the photo above.

Camera Settings
F-Stop: 8.0
Shutter Speed: 1/64 sec
Exposure Program- Manuel

Flash Settings

The flash was to the left the camera and pointing upwards to the ceiling.

Slave Canon Rebel T3i with Speedlite 580EX

ISO 400
shutter speed 1/64 sec.

Set Up: Pop up built-on camera flash and set up flash with umbrella toward the front, right side of subject.

Camera Settings: Hit the Menu button. Go to the first Red Camera icon in the top row. In the column of selections, choose Flash Control with the middle set button. Then choose Built-in flash function setting. The Built-in flash should be set at CustWireless. The Flash mode should be on E-TTL II. Finally, select the Wireless function and choose the second option.

Flash Settings: The flash mode should be set at ETTL. There are three wireless flash options under E-TTL Automatic. Press and hold the Zoom/Wireless Select Button. Turn the Select Dial to Wireless [On - Slave] mode. Press the Select/Set Button.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Lighting Resources

I  have found some links that cover basic to intermediate

Spend some time watching the 3 videos, and perusal the site it will help.

We will be doing this in class so this is a preview

For those of you who have never used a flash this is a great site
lighting-101_by strobist

This is another great selection
theslantedlens -archives

This one will be homework very soon...

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Angel's Family History

Class discussion Tuesday

Darkrooms are Irrelevant and The Truth Matters

Posted by:     Posted date:   |  55 Comments
“If you want an abortion, you go to Planned Parenthood, and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.”
– Senator Jon Kyl, April 8, 2011 on the Senate Floor
This is not a post about abortion or Planned Parenthood. This is a discussion about veracity and why it matters in photojournalism. In fact, about 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services are abortion-related. When Sen. Kyl was confronted with the facts, his office responded with “his remark was not intended to be a factual statement.”
The next two photos are the World Press Photo of the Year 2012. The top image is the submitted image that won, and the lower image is how it was first published.............Article_blog.photoshelter

Second article

What It Feels Like To Be Photographed In A Moment Of Grief

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Here are some fun opportunities to look at in LA

internship-program-categories_March 15

Disney any one

ESPN_details_The Digital Media Copy Edit .com_

Bridgestone Video contest for money.....ages 16 through 21 only due in April


Monday, February 18, 2013

iMovie help

We have limited time in class, if you are not asking question I don't know how to help.
So I will post links to sites that should answer most questions, I hope.

This is a link to apple support of imovie, with tutorials, 33 in fact.

imovie support

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Check out this POV

This guy has a crazy day

Point of View
Would y'all be interested in recording your day for publication?

<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/8340496?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

Mesquite Assingment 1

Petting Zoo story from Rodeo 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So you missed the Rodeo class time....

The Rodeo Story, is due thursday Feb. 14 by 6 p.m.

Link it in vimeo or youtube email to jacob He will post on the mesquite site.
Jacob Beltran, Photo Editor
The Mesquite, 210-897-1690

The rodeo has stuff going on at all hours. I know of a crew that unloads trailers from midnight to 6 a.m.
The video must include the class name and The Mesquite logo
size 960x640
Length min 2 max 3
if someone is speaking be sure to include cutline info
if animal, include breed and name
This is a news story or a feature, see book for more info if needed. 

Your press pass is at the Media trailer, it allows  you access to the grounds only.
If you drive you may park in the lot the folks at the media trailer tell you to, at no cost.

See the map, Gate A_entrance off of Houston street

These stories may not be done
Jeremiah is doing Rodeo food (fried butter, Yum!)
Jason is doing the Dairy Barn

Monday, February 11, 2013

Social Sites-Erica Gomez

Flikr: www.flikr.com/photos/emgomez23

Google: emgomez23@gmail.com

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/emgomezz23

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/emgomez23

Skype: egomezz23

Facebook: www.facebook.com/erica.gomez.1614460

Wordpress: www.emgomez23.wordpress.com

Vimeo: www.vimeo.com/emgomez23


Yep, we are going! So wear your boots!

This will be a mesquite assignment. The video will need to be min 2 no longer than 3 min.
Credits, include the class name and The Mesquite logo.
Your video must be a story from the rodeo.
check out this link, for more info

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Erica Gomez- Sandbelt

Angel Barrera's Sandbelt Video

Belt Sander video

Family Video_Due Feb.19

Family Video

The video needs to be 2.5 to 3 min long.
You need to incorporate, at least 5 still images, and video of a family member speaking. Incorporate fade-ins as the theme requires.

If you use music, make sure it is copyright free. Source.
Post the finished products here (export as needed). 
Due at noon on the Feb. 19.

You must have a title page and credits page.
In the credits, add the class and school name.

You need to introduce the characters, give titles.
You may produce this in imovie, premiere or avid.
You will need to critique each classmates movie, by Feb. 22.
In imovie under Share_Export your movie to 960x540
You may post in youtube or vimeo then link back to blog.

Assignment 1

Please post your addresses to your media world. Social sights.