Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Instructional Video-Erica Gomez

How To Make Chicken Salad


  1. Good job Erica, video is very magical. Very creative introduction and nice visuals. Just a few things to consider for the next video though. Using that star background in the beginning and end, and the words moving upwards, I'm getting Star Wars the movie. The text in the ingredient scene would be nice if it wasn't sliding through. I would just use a text that doesn't move or have that black line, it just takes away from the video. And last, when the music stops it creates an awkward moment. But overall its a nice video and now I want to make chicken salad lol.

  2. I like the fast motion. very well done. I would have tried to find some music that lasted a bit longer and done the cuts on the beat.

  3. You taught me a new way to cut eggs. I would have liked to seen you repeat the recipe ingredients like when you added the relish and pimentos I had forgotten what the recipe called for and had to rewind.
    the music stopping was a tiny jarring. and you gave me a new recipe to try.
